Kindergarten Writing Feedback

Use these strips to quickly conference with students and give them specific feedback without feeling overwhelmed by the time crunch of writing everything down.

PDF, Printables

15 Pages

Grade Level: K


Description & Reviews



I am so excited that I made these slips of paper to give my students specific feedback and next steps to improve their writing! I usually jot my feedback down on a Post-It note. If I don’t have time for that, I just have quick conferences. Now, with these slips, I can quickly conference with each student and give them specific feedback without feeling overwhelmed by the time crunch I have when I am trying to write everything down. These sheets can be printed on brightly colored paper and stapled or paper clipped to your students’ work.

Have fun learning!



Feedback Includes:

Using Capital Letters

Using Finger Spaces

Using Punctuation

Making Sense

Staying on Topic

Sounding Words Out

Drawing Pictures That Support Their Thinking

Forming Letters Correctly

Supporting Writing With Reasons

Next Steps


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