Your download includes a teaching guide, culminating task, comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a full color, digital, nonfiction magazine that contains engaging topics to help you navigate informational text skills with your kindergarten and first grade students.
Each magazine has theme that all of the articles are connected to.
The unit is designed to last for two weeks. A teaching guide breaking down each day is included. There are 8 days of lessons that target two common core nonfiction text standards each day. An article and comprehension questions have been designed for you! The last two days are set aside for students to show what they have learned about nonfiction text and text features. Options are included for those who are distance learning due to COVID.
We intended for this digital magazine to be projected for students to see via a projector or on a digital platform like Zoom. Students should see all of the slides during the lesson. Reread articles as needed so students can think about the topics and details presented.
We hope you have fun teaching!
Naomi and LaNesha
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