This is the second digital magazine that LaNesha and I offer! It’s a really fun way to get your students to engage with science and social studies topics while tackling ALL of the K-1 nonfiction Common Core State Standards.
We have 8 interesting topics that will help you cover all of the standards in a fun and authentic way with your students. All of the topics in this issue are connected to water in some way! And it’s all digital and planned out for you! We paired up the standards and designed objectives and comprehension questions for each day to help you teach your students!
Before each article we broke down all of the features included for you to go over with your students and help them learn about nonfiction text features. They will use these text features to make a prediction about the article.
When it’s time to read the article, your students will have a full-color projected article to follow along with. A teacher guide has also been included to help guide you through the lesson. (Seen below)
Read the article and then answer the comprehension questions with your class. Make sure to refer back to the text to support your answers!
You will follow this format for 8 days, covering a variety of topics and standards. Days 9 and 10 have been reserved for allowing the students to demonstrate what they’ve learned.
After the first magazine (Color), each issue will focus heavily on a certain text feature. This magazine’s focus feature is maps and map keys.
A rubric has been included for students to create their own article. Ideas have been included in the download for those that are distance learning at this time.
We hope this gave you lots of ideas! This resource can be purchased here.